Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 2 in Santiago

So I'm sitting here after waking up at 7:30 to be in class at 8:00 with a few hours of free time - in Santiago I don't have class until 1:00 (noramlly a good thing as I can sleep in). The school here is much nicer, it's larger and newer (not that the school in Buenos Aires was bad). My family here is amazing and I feel a bit more at home here than I did in Argentina. I miss living with Nikki (the girl from New Orleans) and Dani (the girl from Venezuela) but here I live with a girl from Miami that goes to NYU. Basically here the meals are a bit bigger and more American like (meaning there are vegetables and such, not just meat and potatoes) and I can sit in the living room and just hang out - again, it's not that my Argentine family wasn't welcoming it's just that my Chilean family is more welcoming. I have no idea what I'm going to do in Chile, largely b/c I haven't seen the activities schedule for the school. However, I'm rather sure that I'll be in Temuco, Chile for the 4th of July. There is a recent Georgetown grad in Temuco right now that I'm going to visit and it's where most of our Chilean students at Georgetown come from - so I'll get to see the city and I'll get to celebrate the 4th with an American.

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