Wednesday, June 11, 2008

An update

So I haven't blogged in a day or two because I haven't had the time and the wireless signal in my room really likes to go out while I type blog posts. So now I've decided that when I blog I'll go down to the first floor of the house and sit in the living room right next to the wireless router so this doesn't happen. But onto more interesting things....
Tonight I'm going out to eat in Palermo with some friends. I have really high hopes for Palermo as, according to what I've read, it's clearly the end of town I should like the most. Afterwards we are going to a milonga (a tango show) sponsored by the school. After that we are going back to the club we went to on Saturday as it's free to get in on Wednesdays thanks to an agreement at the school - we just have to say "Natasha" at the door. Tomorrow there is a city tour sponsored by the school. After that I'm going to an actual tango show, as in a well known one, at around 10. This weekend I'm headed for Igauzu Falls. (for pics and info on those go here: )It's about a 12 hour bus ride, but I'm told it's worth it. There is no school on Monday as it's a national holiday so I should have time to figure out a new way to put up pictures and write more posts.

1 comment:

Eripson said...

AHHH Palermo. I stayed in a hostel there. There are some pretty decent things to do there. Some decents pubs. I´d love to go to Iguazú. Will you have to cross into Brazil at all during that trip?